11 сентября 2011

▪ Venice Carnival

The Venice Carnival is the largest and most important Venetian festival, an appreciated cocktail of tradition, entertainment, history and transgression in a unique city, a festival that attracts thousands of people from around the world each year. The Carnival has very old origins. It is a festival that celebrates the passage from winter into spring, a time when seemingly anything is possible, including the illusion where the most humble of classes become the most powerful by wearing masks on their faces. 

The official start of the Venice Carnival dates back to 1296, when the Senate of the Republic made the Carnival official with an edict declaring the day before Lent a public holiday. After an interruption lasting almost two centuries, the tradition of Carnival was rediscovered by the Municipality in 1980 and since then it has taken place every year with success.

Venice discovers in 2011 the vibrant soul of its “theme” Carnival. “Ottocento” the nineteenth century evocation, will outline the Carnival, edition 2011, scheduled from February 19th till March 8th. It will be developed among romantic suggestions and Risorgimento impulses, while wearing its charming redingote and top hats, corsets and crinolines.

For the 150 years since the Unification of Italy, Venice reveals itself with its feminine sensuality calling back to the famous nineteenth century heroines of the post romantic era whom the Carnival is dedicated to, by adding folk and exhilarating elements to the fight between the Austrian soldiers and the members of the Committees for the Unification of Italy. In this way, Venice meets again the Venetians in their theatres and museums, dialoguing with them through concerts, theatre pieces, historical re-enactments, grand balls and film shows.

Венеция прекрасна в любое время года – и летом, и зимой. В феврале традиционно проводится Венецианский карнавал - один из самых любимых праздников в Европе. В течение 10 дней на улицах и каналах не смолкают музыка и веселье, происходят театрализованные представления и бал-маскарады, фейерверки и карнавальные шествия. И даже часто моросящий дождь не стирает улыбок с лиц многочисленных туристов из разных уголков земного шара, приезжающих сюда не только посмотреть на красивейшее шоу, но и поучаствовать в нем.

Говорят, что время, проведенное в путешествии, не засчитывается в общий срок жизни человека… Путешествие в Венецию навсегда остается в памяти сказочно-ярким праздником.

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